
JUST NU! Stor Rabatt på alla våra kurspaket 2025!
Boka nu och spara mellan 3300kr – 3900kr beroende på val av paket.

We have educated skydivers since 1963

Hos oss kan du ta fallskärmscertifikat för att hoppa fallskärm på egen hand, i Sverige och i hela världen. Vi har duktiga och välutbildade instruktörer som hjälper dig vartenda steg under utbildningen.

We skydive from 13,000 feet, which means more time in freefall and maximum enjoyment of every jump.

We educate in close collaboration with the Swedish Parachute Association (SFF) in the modern AFF (Accelerated FreeFall) program.

JUST NU! Stor Rabatt på alla våra kurspaket 2025!

BOKA NU och spara mellan 3300kr – 3900kr beroende på val av paket.

Kurs 1 – Påsk -få platser kvar!

Teori: 18 April.
Hoppstart: 19-21 April
Start: Fre 18 April 09.00

Begränsat antal platser.


Course 2 

Teori: 16 Maj
Hoppstart: 17-18 Maj
Start: Tor 16 Maj 09.00

Begränsat antal platser.


Kurs 3

Bokningen öppnar inom kort. Begränsat antal platser.

Öppnar strax

Du kan själv välja om du betalar för hela kursen vid bokning eller om du väljer att betala endast en deposition och ta resterande senare vid kursstart. För att få rabatten lägg till ”Jag har en rabattkod” och fyll i tillhörande kod när du bokar. Gå vidare till bokningen så kommer du hur det ser ut – lätt som en plätt! Scrolla vidare så hittar du gällande priser och rabatter. 

Prices AFF course

Prova på

JUST NU! 5 600 kr
(ord pris: 8 900 kr)
Inkl. 1 utbildningshopp


Ungdom, upp till 25år:
JUST NU! 5 000 kr
(ord pris: 8 900 kr)



JUST NU! 12 000 kr
(ord pris: 15 300 kr)
Inkl. 10 utbildningshopp

Rabattkod: 2025KURS


Ungdom, upp till 25år:
JUST NU! 10 000 kr
(ord pris: 12 400 kr)



-Bästa dealen!

JUST NU! 13 200 kr
(ord pris: 16 500 kr)
Inkl. 10 utbildningshopp + 4 coached jumps.

Rabattkod: 2025KURS


Ungdom, upp till 25år:
JUST NU! 11 100 kr
(ord pris: 13 500 kr)


Avgifter för kompletterande utbildningshopp vid val av Kurspaket 1 samt för extra utbildningshopp vid eventuella underkända utbildningshopp (oavsett kurspaket) tillkommer.


Här ser du en video på hur vi på Skydive Skåne firar Midsommar hos oss. Höj volymen och maxa bildstorleken – Det här är fallskärmshoppning! Välkommen in i gänget.


About our courses

The AFF course follows the terms and conditions of the Swedish Parachute Association (SFF) and is led by experienced instructors who will make sure you are well prepared before your first jump.

Usually the course is set up for four days, either two weekends in a row or four days straight, and you do your first exciting jump as early as the fourth day. During the basic course you will get to learn everything you need to become a licensed skydiver.

We will cover all the vital elements, such as the proper way of exiting the plane, getting mentally prepared, how to move in freefall, flying, landing and packing your parachute. Including all the necessary safety precautions and actions, like how and when to deploy your reserve parachute. After the duration of the basic course and your first jump/jumps you will be able to decide for yourself at what rate and during which weekends you would like to continue your education.

You will get thorough instructions before each jump. Two instructors will accompany and hold onto you in freefall for the first two jumps. They will give you direct feedback and correct you using visual hand signs and gestures. From jump three you'll have just one instructor with you. The instructors will also record the jump on camera. Every educational jump contains maneuvers that you have to master before you can advance to the next level.

Even after deploying your parachute, you'll need to perform certain tasks, such as maneuvering, and landing safely where you're supposed to. A careful debrief follows every jump. All this while having the time of your life!


Theory classes
1 or 10 educational skydives
License after graduated course (10 approved jumps) that is valid anywhere in the world.
The equipment you need during the whole course
Course literature
SFF membership
SFK membership
The paper Svensk Fallskärmssport during one year

Could i take a course?

In order to take a course you just need to pass a standard medical exam. before the course starts. You can choose any doctor or health center and have them fill in the form linked above.

If your weight exceeds 220 lbs we ask you to contact us prior to booking.

How soon will I get my license?

Skydiving is a sport that is very dependent on weather, which makes it very hard to say how long it will take before you have your license. It differs a lot from person to person as well, depending on how much time you can spend and how fast or slow you want to perform your jumps. If all the pieces fall into place, you can complete your course in as little as two weekends in addition to the specified course date.