Are you ready for a tandem skydive?

Do you want to give someone an experience of a lifetime?

Welcome to Skydive Skåne!

– Fallskärmshoppning i Kristianstad/Österlen och Halmstad!

With Skydive Skåne you can challenge yourself with a tandem jump, or give someone an unforgettable gift.

We also offer courses, skydive shows and access to our jump zone.

Du hittar oss oftast i Kristianstad, större delen av säsongen (April – Oktober). Under 2023 gästar vi Halmstad under påskhelgen och vecka 29.

Nytt för år 2022 Sprill Bistro & Café öppnar hos oss – välkommen förbi på en fika!


Tandem skydive

Read more and book your tandem

Skydive show

Read more and book a skydive show


Learn to skydive!

Skånes Fallskärmsklubb

SFK grundades 1963 och är en av Sveriges äldsta fallskärmsklubbbar.

All of our instructors are well educated and experienced, with over tens of thousands of jumps collectively. Here everybody gets a warm welcome and we always focus on good service and safety.

A memory for life

The thrill of the freefall is something totally extraordinary and the sensation just can’t be described in words. Luckily you can get video and photographs that gives you the opportunity to relive and show the amazing feeling to your loved ones.