Experience the world from 13,000 feet!

Tandem Skydive Adult


Tandem Skydive child (12-18 years)


Video and photographs



At Skydive Skåne we tandem skydive from 13,000 feet. After just a quick safety briefing you and your instructor will load into the plane and start your adventure. You will experience an exhilarating freefall from a fully functional airplane for almost a minute in speeds exceeding 125 mph. Your tandem instructor will deploy the parachute at 5,000 feet and offer you guidance as you fly the parachute together for 5-10 minutes before performing a smooth landing in front of your jealous friends.

A tandem skydive is the perfect experience for those who’ve already done it all, and it’s also a much appreciated gift for birthdays and bachelor and bachelorette parties, to name a few. After your first tandem skydive you will get a round of high fives, a nice t-shirt and a diploma.

Anyone can tandem skydive! Young or old, short or tall. Not even a physical disability needs to be a hindrance.
Basically you can do it as long as you fit in the harness, and you should be at least 4 1/2 feet tall to do that. If you weigh more than 220 lbs and/or have any physical disabilities, we ask you to contact our Tandem Organiser Sebastian Berglund at 044-23 82 402 or at tandem@skydiveskane.se. We will do our best to make it work!

You don't need any previous knowledge, but be here in good time to fill out your health certificate and be presented to your instructor and filmmaker (if you have chosen film / photo, which we strongly recommend).

Your instructor will take about 15 minutes to go through everything you need to know before entering the plane. All in all, your adventure will last for about 2 hours.
Allt som allt kan du räkna med att ditt äventyr tar ungefär 2 timmar.

Questions? Contact our Tandem Organiser at Sebastian Berglund at 044-23 82 40 or tandem@skydiveskane.se 

How to book

För att se lediga tider i Kristianstad


För att se lediga tider i Halmstad


För att ge bort i present till någon (gäller båda orter)

Buy giftcard


We don't accept cash. You can pay with card or Swish.

Swish: 1236695233
För insättningar via bank används bg.nr 633-0781.

Do you want film/photos of your jump?

Add this at checkout. You can read more about film/photo further down on this page.

What if someone else in the party gets inspired?

It's possible to buy tandem skydive and film/photgraphs on site, if there's time and space. You pay with card or swish, not cash.

Kan man ta med anhöriga? – Självklart!

Sprill Bistro & Cafe finns precis intill – så välkomna att ta med alla nära o kära, de kan ta en fika medan andra i sällskapet faller fritt i 200km/h ovanför!

A memory for life

The thrill of the freefall is something totally extraordinary and the sensation just can’t be described in words. Luckily you can get video and photographs that gives you the opportunity to relive and show the amazing feeling to your loved ones.

Klicka i att du vill ha film/foto när du köper ditt presentkort eller vid bokingen. Det kostar 1350 kr and you pay online. We do not accept cash.

Du kommer att få en redigerad film och ett fyrtiotal högupplösta fotografier. Dessa levereras inom en vecka via länkar till er mail där ni laddar hem materialet. Det är oftast (inte alltid) möjligt att köpa till film på plats om man ändrar sig. Då betalar man detta med kort eller swish.

Learn to skydive!

Here at Skydive Skåne we offer courses in skydivning, and you can get your very own skydiving license.

Go to courses for more information and booking.